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This website contains all of the necessary materials for Emma Hudson's English 494: Cultural Rhetorics Portfolio.


This has been an unprecedented year full of fear and stress unlike previous years. However, good moments can still  experienced and  treasured. In terms of classes, I learned a lot as an English Major. I took three literature courses and two writing courses, meaning I've written more than I ever have during a semester. Oddly enough, it didn't feel like too much work, probably because all I do is create and work in my free time. 

Cultural Rhetorics brought me a particular joy for research and learning. The overall class helped me fully realize and see that culture can be defined by a wide variety of beliefs and practices. It also gave me an opportunity to learn new things, as well as explore subjects I have current interest to further investigate 

While I am by no means a website designer, I hope these tabs are easy to navigate when it comes to finding all of the work I had the pleasure of completing this semester. I know I will refer to the research I have completed to conduct further research since I have great interests in understanding fandom culture, creative writing, and social media design.

I am thankful for everything.


Emma Hudson


ENGL 494 Presentation_ Honey Magazine Ca
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